• Welcome to the

      Climate Impact Checkup Online Course

      Learn how to reduce GHG emissions and promote low-carbon health care

      At Health Care Without Harm, we are convinced that the health care sector can play a significant role in addressing climate change. We developed Climate Impact Checkup, a calculator that helps health care institutions worldwide measure their carbon footprint. Start today and join our free course for health care professionals, students, and policy officers to learn how to estimate GHG emissions and create an impactful action plan. No previous knowledge in GHG calculations is required.


    • Why join this course?

      The Climate Impact Checkup online course was specially developed to support health care facilities and systems around the world in their journey towards sustainable, resilient, and low-carbon health care. You will not only learn how to use the tool but also develop carbon management plans through a step-by-step guide.

      How is the course organized?

      The course is available online and is asynchronous. It consists of 13 classes, each lasting under 30 minutes, organized into three modules. The contents were developed collaboratively through the experience gained by the tool users in different parts of the world, including frequently asked questions and testimonials. 

      Is this course for me?

      The content is aimed for individuals within the health care sector who want to measure their institution’s carbon footprint. No previous knowledge of GHG calculations is required.  The course is currently offered in English and Spanish, with guidelines available for tool usage in over six languages.

      Register now!

      How much does the course cost?

      The course and the tool are both free and open to access, No membership is required. If you'd like to support our mission and help make this knowledge accessible to more people worldwide, you can choose to donate according to your means. Your contribution will enable us to work towards better and more equitable health care access. 

    • Learn more about the Climate Impact Checkup tool:

      GHG sources

      Climate Impact Checkup tool calculates facility emissions originating from scopes 1, 2, and 3 including hotspots within your supply chain.

      Tool access

      Checkup is available online and can be downloaded as a spreadsheet, along with user guides for easy use.

      Multicultural approach

      Checkup is aligned with the GHG Protocol. It estimates health care-specific emissions for over 200 nations and territories, enabling  accurate facility carbon footprint calculations in most countries.


      Checkup includes live calculations, graphics, benchmarking by year, discussion forum and community of practice, guidelines to use the tool, set targets, and create action plans.

      Who can use it?

      Checkup is for everyone interested in measuring carbon footprint, focusing on people working in planetary health. Users may include health care facilities and systems of any level of complexity in any location, sub-national, national ministries of health, and research institutions.

      Race to zero

      By joining the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) campaign, Race to Zero, through the Health Care Climate Challenge, institutions gain access to a suite of tools and resources to reduce their carbon footprint, like the Checkup tool.

      Learn more
    • Checkup Tool Map

      A worldwide community working to reduce its environmental impact 

      Climate Impact Checkup provides a starting point to measure, manage, and support mitigation goals and action planning, regardless of your facility’s location.

      Since its global launch in 2021, the tool has already had more than 500 online submissions from 25 countries and the number continues to grow. Health Care Without Harm has also partnered with the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH) to support international commitments on health care resilience and decarbonization, enabling transformational change to protect the health of people and the planet. Climate Impact Checkup is one of the resources that ATACH offers to countries committing to developing sustainable, low-carbon health systems.

    • Start reducing emissions in your health care institution

       Take the course now!

Available courses

Climate Impact Checkup Tool (CIC)

The Climate Impact Checkup course has been specially developed to support health care facilities and systems worldwide on their path toward sustainable, resilient, and low-carbon health care. This course comprehensively covers GHG emissions fundamentals and guides participants on creating a carbon management plan.
Please ensure that you enroll in the course after completing your platform registration.